A solution developed for municipalities and federation of municipalities
Download the illiwap presentation below
Choosing illiwap allows you to benefit from fun and innovative features to offer your residents a high-quality citizen application.

News / Alerts




Citizen reporting

Scheduling and Recurrence

Useful information

Municipality webpage

Communication kit

Points of interest

Geolocated messages

SMS alert

Suggestion box

RSS feed

Linked stations

social networks

personalised services

A suitable and competitive offer
Subscriptions for municipalities
Less than 1,000 inhabitants
Less than 2,000 inhabitants
Less than 3,000 inhabitants
Less than 4,500 inhabitants
Less than 6,000 inhabitants
Less than 8,000 inhabitants
Less than 10,000 inhabitants
Less than 15,000 inhabitants
Less than 20,000 inhabitants
Less than 25,000 inhabitants
Less than 30,000 inhabitants
Subscriptions for federation of municipalities
The subscription includes the equipment of all the member municipalities
Less than 4,500 inhabitants
Less than 6,000 inhabitants
Less than 8,000 inhabitants
Less than 10,000 inhabitants
Less than 15,000 inhabitants
Less than 20,000 inhabitants
Less than 25,000 inhabitants
Less than 30,000 inhabitants
Less than 35,000 inhabitants
Less than 40,000 inhabitants
Less than 45,000 inhabitants
Less than 60,000 inhabitants
Why choose illiwap?
For you and for your inhabitants
The illiwap application developed according to the needs of communities and inhabitants allows you to reconnect with your citizens.
By choosing illiwap, you offer your team and your inhabitants a sustainable and scalable solution.
Illiwap, the pioneer of the concept of the shared application, began to be developed in 2015, and it is today the most experienced and most efficient application on the market.
illiwap has been a subsidiary of the Diagram HB Group located in the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Region since 1986.
The setup of illiwap, which takes place totally online (in SaaS mode), does not require any software download.
Our simple configuration allows you to obtain a turnkey solution in record time.
Subsidiary of the Diagram HB Group, referenced to UGAP, partner of AMF 42 and AMF 69, illiwap is a company that has proven itself and which presents positive accounting results.
illiwap also represents 60 people who support you in your projects: IT developments, cybersecurity, websites and mobile applications, infrastructure and networks, communication.
illiwap is a complementary solution to all your communication tools already in place. Thanks to our API and the creation of different gateways, illiwap connects to your light panels, your social networks, your website or different business software.
Our teams devote precious time to improving illiwap and demonstrate it by regularly offering updates, new features, links and various innovations.